Aluminum Home Industry

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

Doors and windows, as a blue ocean category for home improvement consumption, have broad market prospects. At the same time, with the upgrading of consumption in the home furnishing industry, the demand for an integrated solution for the entire home space that is efficient, quality and beauty is increasingly strong. Over the past ten years, China’s real estate industry has maintained steady and rapid growth as a whole, becoming the leading force in the continuous growth of the door and window industry.

With the advent of the era of housing stock, home improvement and household consumption has entered a new market stage dominated by improved residential consumption. System doors and windows, as the entrance of home improvement consumption, have ushered in new development opportunities. Relevant data shows that the door and window industry market will exceed one trillion yuan. It is a blue ocean category in the big home furnishing industry, and the market opportunity is huge. Therefore, it is also called “the last piece of fat in home building materials”.

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

For aluminum doors and windows, Deli CNC has developed high-efficiency SP / SPT series (3-axis / 4-axis) profile machining centers. This product inherits the advantages of the stable structure of Deli gantry machining center; using German system, mobile tool magazine, pneumatic fixture, imported high-speed motorized spindle, the product produced is more efficient and stable; optional rotary table, rigid tapping , operating system, etc. ; it can fully meet the processing needs of general machinery industries such as aluminum processing industry and bearing industry; it is a product specially designed and manufactured for doors and windows, curtain walls, bathroom, and rail equipment industries.

Deli CNC SP series products improve the manufacturing technology of profile equipment, adopt modular design concept, simple industrial appearance and universal design of components, with the characteristics of easy cleaning and maintenance-free, making production organization fast and convenient, effectively reducing production Cost, while shortening the production cycle, to meet the strong needs of customers for efficient production and fast delivery.

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the requirements for the quality of home decoration are becoming more and more strict. Sophia has chosen our product production, enriching product types, meeting users’ needs, optimizing user experience, and continuously increasing market share and brand influence. Play the integrated card in the implementation of the big home strategy to meet customers’ needs for one-stop solutions.

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia

The high-speed electric spindle makes the processing capacity of the equipment further expanded and improved. Continuous intelligent and automatic high-speed processing can effectively improve the processing efficiency and processing quality, so that the automotive lithium battery tray has high dimensional accuracy, beautiful appearance, stable structure, light weight and strength.

Aluminum alloys are increasingly used in car bodies because of their good formability, good strength, corrosion resistance, and low cost. Increasing the amount of aluminum used in automobiles and realizing the lightweight of the body has become an important link in the technological progress of today’s automobile manufacturing industry.

Guangzhou Deli CNC will continue to improve its own R&D and manufacturing strength, aiming to meet the processing needs of different customers, actively adapt to market changes, and jointly promote the process of lightweight automobiles. It is also full of expectations for the future of China’s manufacturing industry and China’s machine tool market.

Aluminium Windows and Doors-SP Sophia